June Recap, What Went Down

June Recap: Reconnecting After a Year Out of the Country

Hey Guys,

June has been a whirlwind of reconnecting with old friends, making new friends, and creating new memories. Here’s what went down:

Back in the States Returning to the U.S. after a year has been a strange but welcome adjustment. It’s great to be back with friends and family.

Utah Night Games During my two weeks in Utah, I went to night games with friends. It was an absolute blast and felt like what teenage life should be—just having fun, not stressing, and enjoying the moment.

YouTube Surprise So I recently turned 16 and made a quick funny YouTube short about updating your bio for your birthday. Didn’t think much of it, but it hit 10K views in 24 hours! It's my most viewed video ever, which is wild considering I didn’t expect anything from it.

Young Men's Camp Went on a three-day canoeing camp with my church and friends, which was an amazing experience. I helped out a lot, invited kids to our campsite, and made tons of new friends. One night, we played a game like cops and robbers in the pitch-black forest. Running around, dodging flashlights, and dropping to the ground to avoid being seen was so much fun!

Driver's License Got my driver's license! Practiced parking right before my test, and somehow nailed the best parking job of my life when it counted. Said a prayer to God right before and right after. Driving is such a blast; I couldn’t wait any longer to get my license.

Reselling Lessons Been reselling a ton on Facebook Marketplace. Learned not to be a people pleaser and to be firm with first-come, first-served. At first, telling people “no” felt wrong, but it’s actually helped everyone in the long run.

Unforgettable Night Out A few nights ago I went out with my brother, sister, and friends and we were out for a few hours. After that, we went for a city night drive while blasting music and singing. It was one of those nights I know I won't ever forget!

Project Cycle I’ve noticed a cycle where I start a project, finish it, and then feel stuck on what to do next. I'm currently in that cycle and trying to break free by finding something new and challenging to dive into.

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read this, it means a ton to me. I'll have more stories next month.

Catch you later,



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