July's Highlights

July's Highlights: Church Camp, Salsa Dancing, and Cliff Diving!

Hey Guys,

July was a month of growth, learning, and a few learning surprises. Here’s how it all went down:

FSY Church Camp I kicked off the month at FSY, a weeklong church camp that honestly changed my life. I felt like I got closer to God, and my confidence got a huge boost. I think it’s because I was surrounded by people my age with the same values, and being with them 24/7 made me want to be the best version of myself. I’m taking that confidence home with me.

Learning to Whistle (Finally!) I finally learned how to whistle... kinda. Growing up, I always whistled in a weird, incorrect way, so I made it my goal this month to learn the right way. It happened randomly when we were at a friend’s house for dinner. I ate a super hot pepper, and when trying to cool down my mouth, I somehow whistled. It clicked, and now I know how to whistle!

Salsa Dancing Lessons We started salsa dancing lessons. It didn’t come naturally at first, but by the second and third lessons, something clicked. I’m still far from perfect, but I’m starting to get the hang of it.

Random Quote Found a random quote on my phone that I don’t even remember writing: “Being smart doesn’t stop you from doing dumb things.” Just thought I’d share that with you all, lol.

Driving Confidence Something weird happened after coming back from FSY. I feel like I got better at driving. I think it’s because I’m more confident in my decisions now, and I don’t hesitate as much. Hesitation used to be one of my biggest problems (and parking😬), but now I’m making quicker decisions.

Cliff Diving in Mexico We spent a week and a half in Mexico, and I did a backflip at our favorite cliff-jumping spot. I thought I’d be scared since it’s been months since I last did a backflip, but none of that happened. I just went up there and did the flip. It wasn’t perfect—kind of stiff and slightly over-rotated—but it felt great to get back into it. Hoping to practice more on a trampoline and maybe even get backflips down on flat ground again!

So that’s July for you—nothing too crazy, and only one country visited this month, not ten. Thanks for reading, and I’ll catch you next month with whatever happens next.

See ya next month,



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